
Sheepy sheepy sheep sheep!

There's nothing else to say! ;-)



Planning the Gatinha time - Part 2

And here is the answer to my request... YAY! :-D

21st Saturday Eat fish and rest
  • 11.30 - Gatinha is picked up at big bird's landing spot *done*
    - go directly to the south for fresh fish or calamari meal
    *done, had a great all-you-can-eat-grilled-fish-lunch in Setubal, mmmh yummy*
  • 13.30 - passing by the beach and coast line until Sesimbra after lunch
    - possible stop at the beach to get wet or the feet into the sand
    *done, without getting wet, though*
  • 16.00 - go back home
    - rest
    - prepare everything for dinner at home (shop food if necessary)
  • 20.00 - light meal (with red wine if not going out) *still too full for that*
  • 21.30 - cinema (can be left for next 2 days)
    - or evening walk at Chiado area (city downtown)
    - check "the elevator" (if ride is intended then come back monday)
    - and or lazy evening at home

22nd Sunday Explore another corner

  • 8.30 - wake up for breakfast *umm, not exactly ;-P*
  • 10.00 - start a trip in the direction of Marvão *done*
  • 13.00 - (latest) land at the restaurant for black pig meal (or any other local typical dish) *done*
    - explore the area after lunch *done*
    - possible stops at Estremoz and Arraiolos (depends on time)
  • 18.00 - drive back to Lisbon
  • 20.30 - light meal at home
    - hit the sofa, watch a film and brainstorm decoration ideas
    *done, and "Slumdog Millionaire" won a couple of Oscars, which it definitely deserves*

23rd Monday Shopping, fake ocean + sushi

  • 10.00 - wake up for breakfast
  • 11.00 - get out for shopping "sightseeing"
  • 13.00 - lunch
  • 14.00 - continue walking around for shopping
  • 16.00 - be at Expo to visit Oceanarium *postponed to a rainy day*
  • 18.00 - go back home
  • 19.30 - go out for sushi
    - cinema, walk around downtown, lazy evening on the sofa
    *the rest was all done, even though I couldn't understand most of the words being said in "The Escapist"*

24th Tuesday The future

  • 10.00 - wake up for breakfast *once again we bought some Pasteis de Nata and I wonder where they've all gone yet ;-)*
    - throw the luggage case into the trash bin
    - rip Gatinha's fly ticket (what was the flight time?) - I'll have to leave again at 16.20.
    - initiate plan for her never ending stay

The last part of it is going to be negotiated again... ;-) *umm, for some reason I still think I should have stayed...*


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Listen 1.7

Neues Jahr, neues Glück und schon wieder eine Auflistung der Bücher, die ich in 2009 lese bzw. las...

Anna Gavalda Ich wünsche mir, dass irgendwo jemand auf mich wartet (Schön, lustig und teilweise auch traurig.)

Katja Lange Müller Böse Schafe (Wundervolles Buch! Besonders liebe ich die Tatsache, dass Katja Lange Müller konsequent im Präteritum schreibt. Sehr empfehlenswert!)

Doris Dörrie Und was wird aus mir? (Leichte Lektüre! Leider konnte ich mich mit keinem der Charaktere identifizieren, es gab auch einfach zu viele.)

Julia Franck Die Mittagsfrau (Ich hatte immer wieder das Gefühl, jetzt hat mich die Story. Aber dann verlor sie mich leider auch immer wieder. Der Erzählstil ist manchmal zu gewollt, zu stilistisch, so dass ich mich nie richtig von der Geschichte gefangen fühlte.)

John von Düffel Zeit des Verschwindens (Die Geschichten zweier gestrandeter Menschen, die am Ende auf tragische Weise zueinander finden.)

Ingrid Noll Die Apothekerin (Klasse Buch! Aber noch viel mehr hatte es mir Frau Noll auf ihrer Lesung angetan. Von ihr können wir hoffentlich noch einiges an Lektüre erwarten. :-))

David Sedaris Schöner wird's nicht (Die neuesten Kurzgeschichten von meinem Lieblings-Sedaris. ;-)




Planning the Gatinha time

I am supposed to publish a list of things to do in Lisboa next time I'm there.

Still waiting for the list, though! ;-P


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